Friday, July 20, 2012

my journey through yoga

                            (written a few days ago, only now having time to post it)

crow pose
beyond proud of the strength i've found within myself doing yoga. in class tonight, i accomplished my first crow pose. i've never had the upper body or the core strength to keep myself balanced and in such a position, but not only did i get this pose once, i was able to later in class as well. my body was so strong, and recognizing all of my strength, i laid my head onto my mat, grounded my arms around my head, and used my core to pull my legs into the air for my first headstand! from across the room, my instructor told me how strong my pose was which was even more encouragement to keep pushing myself.

headstand (most obvious)
laying in corpse pose, i found my 'home'. my home there in the mountains eating dinner with tyler, beginning this wonderful god-given life together. laying there, i cradled every ounce of joy, inhaling every last drop of my peace there.

when the class ended, and after i had thanked my instructor for the class, she told me how she and the studio owner are impressed by my back bends. by how open my body allows itself to be, and how strong it remains.

yoga keeps doing my body good. keeps mentally bringing me back to spiritual soundness as well as mental and physical balance.

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